Free Webinars on the Value of Presenting — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Free Webinars on the Value of Presenting

Webinars are free of charge, but registration is required.

Friday, November 2, 2012  
10:30 a.m. PST / 1:30 p.m. EST  
Organized by BC Touring Council  

Webinar: Highlights of Findings from The Value of Presenting Study

Since the spring of 2011, The Value of Presenting team in collaboration with presenting networks across Canada has been undertaking the most comprehensive study ever on performing arts presentation in Canada. This webinar will highlight key findings and insights gathered so far from the presenting field and the Canadian public.

They include key findings related to benefits of performing arts for individuals and communities, broad strokes on breadth of attendance for the performing arts, and the prevalence and role of partnerships in the presenting field.

Participants will have opportunities to share their feedback to this information. We also hope to gain added input relating to implications, priorities and future opportunities for the presenting and touring field.

On the backdrop of a fluid arts environment and changing economic, demographic and technological drivers, the webinar will continue the vital conversation about Charting a Way Forward for the presenting field.

This webinar is organized in partnership with BC Touring Council. However, participation is not restricted to BCTC members.

Pre-registration required

Monday, November 26, 2012
10:30 a.m. PST / 1:30 p.m. EST 

Webinar: Changing demographics and their effect on values, beliefs, and attitudes toward performing arts presentation

The Value of Presenting study has been shedding light on presenter’s opportunities and challenges with its landmark study of performing arts presentation in Canada.

This webinar will focus on demographic changes taking place across Canada and share new, and perhaps surprising, information from The Value of Presenting study’s survey of 1,031 Canadians. We will discuss the views expressed by different generations on the importance of live attendance, media-based consumption and their perceptions of the value and benefits of performing arts both on the individual and community level.

During this 1-hour session participants will have the opportunity to reflect on this data in their own contexts and examine how it may help them in their day-to-day work.

Pre-registration required.

The Value of Presenting: A Study of Arts Presentation in Canada
 website is a space for people who present live performing arts in Canada in any venue or outdoor space and everyone they work with. 

Visit the website to preview findings, examine emerging ideas, and participate in dialogues, and to find out more about upcoming events. 

For more information about CAPACOA, visit


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