Call for Expressions of Interest: Short-Term Lease Opportunity — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Call for Expressions of Interest: Short-Term Lease Opportunity

Britannia Community Services Centre is interested in collaborating with five registered non-profit Vancouver based cultural or recreation organizations who may be interested in a short term sub-lease of space in the East Vancouver Commercial Drive area (Commercial and Venables). The lease period will begin January 2013 and run for approximately 12 - 18 months. The space consists of an approximately 5,500 square foot banquet and dance hall with a serving kitchen and is suitable for program, performance, or rehearsal space.

Britannia is considering taking on a the head lease and using the space for day time programming, however is seeking additional partners (sub-leases) who may be interested in using the space in evenings and weekends (with some potential for day-time use). Please note that there is no on-site office and limited storage.

Pending the response to this call for expressions of interest, Britannia may or may not take on the head lease. This call is to assess initial viability with further information to be provided to short listed organizations, pending a decision to proceed.

Deadline for expressions of interest is 4:00 p.m. November 13, 2012. Please reply by email only, maximum of one page stating the organization name, registered society number, contact information, type of space being sought, and ability to take on a sub-lease for 12 month period starting January 2013. Cost of the space is yet to be established and will be based on space allocation.


Proponents must be established non-profit cultural or recreation organizations based in Vancouver.

Due to limited time, the City will only be responding to qualified organizations interested in a full 12 month period sub-lease beginning in 2013. This is not a call for day/week/month rentals of rehearsal  / performance space and we regret will we will not be able to respond to any inquires for commercial, individual or day/week rentals at this time.

Expressions of Interest may be sent to by
4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13.

Contact: 604.718.5815


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