Blog — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

The latest news on BC's arts, culture and heritage sector.

City Services Survey / Support Cultural Services

The City of Vancouver is conducting an online survey to get a sense of what services, including the Cultural Services branch, are most important, or not important at all, to citizens. This is an opportunity to let City management and Council know how important to us both Cultural and all City services are to us as individuals and organizations.

The survey can be found here

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Nominations Open For YWCA's Women of Distinction Awards / Arts, Culture & Design Category

YWCA Metro Vancouver is inviting the community to nominate exceptional women throughout Metro Vancouver for its 29th annual Women of Distinction Awards, including nominees in the Arts, Culture & Design category, sponsored by TD Bank Group.

Nominees in this category should be women who enrich the community through their talents and commitment to visual, literary, media, architectural and/or performing arts, excelling as a creators or performers, facilitating or promoting the artistic efforts of others and broadening community engagement in the arts.

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Celebrate The Arts - Celebrate Volunteerism!

Registration is now open for the 2012 Celebrate the Arts – Celebrate Volunteerism Conference. The conference takes place Saturday, February 18th and participants will connect with like-minded arts volunteers, listen to local artists share about their craft with the theme of “Passion, Actipon, Impact: The Arts and Social Change.

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Quantum Accounting has announced the launch of their new Arts Administration Services, available to Alliance members at a 20 percent discount as part of our Members’ Advantage Program.

Quantum also announced the addition of arts management specialist Cheryl Hurd to their team, bringing over 17 years of experience in special events, arts administration, program management, and human resources to the new Arts Administration Services initiative.

The new services at Quantum include:

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Poet Laureate Offers Free Consultations To Emerging Poets

Evelyn Lau, the City of Vancouver’s third Poet Laureate, invites emerging poets to apply for a free one-to-one manuscript consultation at VPL’s iconic Central Library.

"I look forward to meeting with poets - aspiring or published - to discuss their submitted work and answer questions about the editing and publishing processes,” said Ms. Lau. “I am happy to offer editorial and publication guidance and provide insights into the writing life.”

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Gaming Grant Announcements "A Step In The Right Direction" Says Alliance

This week’s announcement that last year’s top-up of $15 million for gaming grants for social profit community groups will be repeated in the current fiscal year and, in Premier Christy Clark’s words, be “baked in the budget” for the next three fiscal years received some mixed reviews across the social profit sector.

However, the Alliance for Arts and Culture is seeing the announcement as a positive development, opening the door to further progress.

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Applications Open For $14,000 Chrystal Dance Prize

Dance Victoria is inviting applications for the 2012 Chrystal Dance Prize of $14,000 from dance artists who are at different stages of their career and who have an international focus.

The prize is named for Dr. Betty “Chrystal” Kleiman whose bequest to the Victoria Foundation in 2009 created the prize.

It was Chrystal’s desire that dance artists from western Canada have the opportunity to learn from and work with the best professionals in the world and that they bring these influences and new works back to Canada.

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Philosphers' Cafe: Does Art Matter?

The SFU sponsored Philosophers' Café will tackle the questions “does art matter?” and “if so, how much, and what would our world be like without it?”

The discussion will take place Tuesday, February 7at 7:30 p.m. at Byng Arts Mini-School (3939 West 16th Avenue.

The conversation moderator will be Pnina Granirer is an artist and co-founder of Artists in our Midst Open Studios. Her work has been documented in print and film. It has also been exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally.

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Jack Lohman Named CEO At Royal BC Museum

The Royal BC Museum Board of Directors has named British cultural leader and scholar Jack Lohman as the organization’s new Chief Executive Officer. He will assume his new position on March 26, 2012.

Lohman, Director of the Museum of London since 2002, will succeed retiring CEO Pauline Rafferty, who has led the Royal BC Museum for the past 10 years.

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Alliance Responds To Gaming Grant Announcements

Premier Christy Clark today released Scott Triplett’s Community Gaming Grant Review report and announced some good news for the arts community.

”We are very encouraged by Premier Clark's announcement of increases to funding and eligibility for BC Gaming Grants,” said Alliance for Arts and Culture executive director Rob Gloor in responding to today’s announcement.

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Message From Our New Executive Director

This first week of the New Year marks my first week as the Alliance's Executive Director, and it is an honour to join this important organization.  

In the weeks ahead, I will be working with the Alliance board and staff to finalize our renewed strategic plan and our operating priorities for 2012.  I look forward to connecting with our members as we engage in this work throughout the year.  

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