Why should you join the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture?

BC Alliance members include organizations, not-for-profit groups, professional associations, individual artists and cultural workers reflecting the diversity of creative interests across BC. By becoming a member of the BC Alliance, as an individual or organization, you join a diverse community that connects across disciplines to build a stronger sector.

What we have in common is a belief and a vision. We imagine a society that places the highest value on arts, culture, and heritage and their contributions to all facets of life. We imagine a society that demonstrates a rich arts and culture infrastructure with broad support, and which nurtures creativity and diversity. And we imagine a society where artists are able to utilize their creativity, talents, and story-telling abilities to tackle the pressing issues of our time, from reconciliation to climate crisis to health and well-being.

By joining the BC Alliance, we join us in advocating for arts, culture and heritage, including community-based, professional, social profit and for-profit sectors. We invite you to become a member of the BC Alliance and join us in realizing the society we imagine.

What benefits do BC Alliance members enjoy?

Your membership supports the work of the BC Alliance and provides the following benefits:


BC Alliance members are able to access group benefits, including a group extended health benefits package, group insurance program, and group RRSP program. BC Alliance members also access discounted rates on LegalShield, a suite of services including legal advice and basic legal services, including will preparation, contract review, small claims court advice and much more.

Free Classified POSTINGS

BC Alliance members are entitled to post unlimited free listings on our classified pages, including our Job Board (the largest arts and culture job board in British Columbia, over nine million pageviews annually), Calls for Artists, and Volunteer Calls.

special discount rates

BC Alliance members access professional development opportunities, such as workshops, webinars and online tools; conferences and special events, including our annual conference; and boardroom rentals at discounted rates, as well as Discounts on products and services through our Member Advantage Program.

Advertising Opportunities

BC Alliance members can share their event listings for free via the submission form on our What's On page. BC Alliance members also receive discounted rates on BC ArtsPost service, which circulates press releases and advertisements to our extensive network of media contacts and social media followers.


BC Alliance members gain access to exclusive resources like free affiliate membership to Canada's Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC), including access to HR tools and publications for the cultural sector.

Student and Individual Memberships

Student Membership


Student Membership is available to full-time students (student ID required) who wish to access services for personal use and not for business purposes.

Please note that membership fees are annual and rates are subject to change at any time. GST is applicable and will be charged at the checkout.

Individual Membership


Individual Membership is available to artists and freelancers who wish to access the BC Alliance services for their own personal use, or, if you have a sole proprietorship, for your own business or individual interests.

If you wish to access services on behalf of a group or an organization, choose an Organizational/Business Membership.

Please note that membership fees are annual and rates are subject to change at any time. GST is applicable and will be charged at the checkout.

Organizational/Business Membership

Organizational/Business Membership is available to any non-profit organization or for-profit enterprise whose core business is the creation or presentation of work, or the provision of goods or services in support of the creation or presentation of work in the cultural, artistic or heritage sectors.

Membership rates are based on your organization's annual revenue budget. Please note that membership fees are annual and rates are subject to change at any time. GST is applicable and will be charged at the checkout.

Budget Under $99,999
Budget $100,000 - $249,999
Budget $250,000 - $499,999
Budget $500,000 - $749,999
Budget $750,000 - $1,999,999
Budget $2,000,000 - $4,999,999
Budget $5,000,000 and over