The latest news on BC's arts, culture and heritage sector.
Gaming Grants & Arts Council Update
/Two announcements from the Provincial government received yesterday gave some hope for organizations awaiting their gaming commission grants, but have raised more questions than they answered.
Read MoreChanges to the website
/As part of our ongoing commitment to provide leading-edge service to our community, the Alliance for Arts & Culture is proud to present the first phase of our ambitious plan to transform our website into an online nexus for arts and culture activities in Metro Vancouver.
What’s different?
Read MoreMessage from the Executive Director
/Like many of you, I’ve been on vacation for the past few weeks, and this week returned to an inbox overflowing with email and dozens of calls to return. How quickly things change! As I settle back in, I want to address some of the challenges facing the community - the cuts to the BC Arts Council, the uncertain future of the gaming funds, the HST - and let you know what the Alliance is doing.
Read MoreDirect Access grants
/There is a great deal of uncertainty around the Direct Access grants managed by the Gaming, Policy and Enforcement branch. As was reported by the Vancouver Sun and the Georgia Straight, the Province has frozen those funds and is currently undergoing a review of the program.
Read MorePossible New Performance Space at Trout Lake
/Hilary Davis, who works for the Roundhouse Community Arts & Rec Centre and as a Program Assistant for the Arts & Culture office of the Vancouver Park Board is hoping to get some quick responses from the community regarding a new proposed space at the Trout Lake Community Centre. "Construction for the new centre will begin right after the Olympics next April and we are advocating for a new, albeit rather small rehearsal/workshop presentation space... Our next building committee meeting is on Aug.13th so we are hoping to get some feedback by then to support the new space.
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