Date Set To Celebrate Life of Renée Doruyter — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Date Set To Celebrate Life of Renée Doruyter

Hold The Date: Join some of Vancouver’s leading musicians and singers for a Memorial Concert in memory of Renée Doruyter on Sunday, April 13 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6).

Renée died January 30 of cancer at St. Paul’s Hospital. She was 68.

The venue is Pat's Pub at 403 East Hastings (sorry, no minors) and net proceeds from the suggested $20 donation will support the Palliative Ward at St. Paul’s Hospital and Doctors Without Borders.

The evening will feature Jennifer Scott, Cecile Larochelle, Lorraine Foster, Kate Hammett-Vaughan, Karin Plato and Colleen Savage, with Miles Black, Rene Worst, Joe Poole, Cory Weeds and Glenna Powrie, plus Vocal Improv Community’s Kathleen Baker, Martina Griffiths, Dave Haddock, Sara Marreiros, Laurel Murphy, Heidi McCurdy, Ryan Slemko, and special guests.

Renée's multi-faceted career was captured beautifully in this Vancouver Province tribute.



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