Alliance Partner Reduces Credit Card Processing Rates — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Alliance Partner Reduces Credit Card Processing Rates

How does your organization fare in terms of the merchant processing fees you pay? Now might be the right time to consider a change!

Rates available to Alliance members through Alliance Member Advantage Program partnerDesjardins Group have improved at a time when most other payment solution providers are increasing their rates.

Desjardins has recently reviewed the merchant payment and financing program they offer Alliance members and have made some positive changes: overall Visa rates have been lowered significantly, from 2.09% to 1.94%, and Interac rates have also been lowered slightly. 

New not-for-profit merchants who join on with Desjardins through this program can access these rates immediately. Existing Desjardins merchants will experience the rate decrease in May.

Desjardins has provided an updated rate grid for Alliance members. Please request a copy from:

Beverly Edgecombe
Member Relations Manager
Alliance for Arts and Culture
604.681.3535 (207)

If you are not currently an Alliance member and are interested in signing up to access member rates, get in touch with Beverly for membership information. 

Current Alliance members who would like to become merchants with Desjardins, or those who are already with Desjardins and have questions about these changes can contact:

John Li 
Advisor, Commercial Business Development (BC) 
Desjardins Group

To learn more about discounted services and products available to Alliance members through the Member Advantage Program, including administrative services, office supplies, travel accommodation, car rentals, catering, and art supplies and services, visit


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