Save the Date: Our Annual Conference Takes Place June 25 — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Save the Date: Our Annual Conference Takes Place June 25


What is the power of art? Why do we paint, sing, dance, write and perform? How do the arts change people, and how can we use them to affect change in the world around us? What does it mean to be an artist in 2020, and what responsibilities do artists have to their communities? Why Art? Why Now?

Why Art? Why Now? is the theme of our 2020 conference, taking place June 25 in partnership with SFU Woodward's in Vancouver. If we believe that art can change the world, we also need to figure out how. We will dive into important conversations about the reasons for and outcomes of artistic practice, and the changes art can create – from personal, to social, to systemic.

Do you want to help us have this discussion? We're looking for community members from diverse artistic and personal backgrounds to help us in planning the design and content of this event. If you're interested, email Brenda Leadlay at

Mark your calendars for June 25, and we'll see you at Why Art? Why Now?


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