Budget 2020 Sees Steady Funding for BC Arts Council — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Budget 2020 Sees Steady Funding for BC Arts Council

On February 18, the Government of British Columbia announced the release of the 2020 Provincial Budget. Entitled A Stronger BC, For Everyone, the budget details the province’s next three years of spending: “From new roads, hospitals, schools and child care centres to better services in every community, together we're building a stronger B.C., for everyone. And Budget 2020 is B.C.'s plan to keep moving forward by creating good jobs, improving services and making life more affordable.”

While the budget showed a decrease of $3 million to Tourism, Arts and Culture funding (bringing the total from $164 to $161m), the BC Alliance is happy to report that there will be no cuts to the budget of the BC Arts Council, despite the changing economic outlook of the province and the priorities of this government. Ultimately, we believe this is a very good sign as past governments have often reduced arts funding when they are up against shortfalls in the provincial budget..

For more information about the 2020 budget, click here.


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