REVOLUTION Schedule At a Glance
/REVOLUTION: Engaging Human Creativity
Annual conference presented by BC Alliance for Arts + Culture
Thursday, June 8, 2017 | The Annex and Pyatt Hall
REVOLUTION: Engaging Human Creativity is the annual conference of the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture. This year’s slate of brilliant presenters will explore ways everyone can engage their imagination and creative potential to create a better world.
9:00 a.m.: Welcome and Introductions
Ben cameron's ted talk on the power of the arts has been viewed half a million times.
9:30 a.m.: Keynote Address: Ben Cameron, a visionary, international campaigner for the performing arts, who has delivered one of the Top 10 most acclaimed art-focused TED Talks. Expect a bold look forward at the power of live theatre, music, and dance to keep pace with the always-on Internet.
10:30 a.m.: Coffee, tea and snacks
10:50 a.m.: Choose between three workshops
• Citizen Engagement: Theatre renegade Franco Boni draws upon his experience transforming a Toronto theatre into a hub for the local community — a space that serves lunch prepared by artists, exhibits art, employs refugees, and has hosted a scientist-in-residence. It all started when Boni asked, “What can theatre be?”
• Exploring Reconciliation Through Arts & Culture: Teara Fraser, co-founder of the Raven Institute, leads an experiential workshop rooted in Indigenous ways of being, on the relationship between arts and reconciliation.
• Leading the Way on Arts Advocacy: BC Alliance executive director Brenda Leadlay focuses on ways we can become more engaged arts advocate so that politicians can understand the real value of arts, culture and heritage.
12 noon: Lunch* and Alliance and Bridge Society annual general meetings
*Lunch is served at the venue and is included in the cost of registration.
1:20 p.m.: Panel — Cultural Diversity in Artistic Practice: This panel discussion explores ways race, gender and culture manifest in creative expression. South Asian arts promoter Nina Buddhdev moderates a critical conversation with educator and performer Dr. Michelle La Flamme; Indian classical dancer Sudnya Mulye; Iranian-Canadian theatre director, writer and producer Fay Nass (Neworld, frank theatre company, PTC); Thomas Hunter, a practitioner of Hindustani music, who lectures in South Asian Studies at UBC, and Tabla player Sunny Matharu. Expect to examine the ways traditional art practice will keep pace in a contemporary art world.
2:20 p.m.: Coffee, tea, snacks
2:40 p.m.: Chose between three workshops
• Virtual Reality and the Dark Side of Empathy: Experience virtual reality and discover ways the technology will revolutionize arts and communications, with Dr. Ray Hsu, chair of the Virtual Reality Group at UBC and an award-winning author.
• From Art to Action: Building Anti-Racist Solidarity: Understand dominant social power dynamics and ways to foster an arts culture in which people of colour are represented with three facilitators from ShapeShift Arts: Anoushka Ratnarajah, an artist and organizer, who believes in storytelling as a way to create new futures; Armenian- Liverpudlian interdisciplinary artist lee williams boudakian, and mia susan amir, creative director of The Story We Be, and dramaturg at PTC, whose work explores ways sociopolitical events are manifest intergenerationally in the body.
• New Ways of Working Together: The Next Generation Millennials can be thanked for changing the way artists approach their work. Discover their tricks—technical, collaborative, imaginative, cost-effective—at this workshop featuring four young stars: Arts manager Dani Fecko; fundraiser Kristin Cheung; Sophia Wolfe, who cofounded F-O-R-M, the international festival of recorded movement, and Hong Kong Exile co-founder Natalie Gan.
3:50 p.m.: Sharing Session and Commitment to Action, with Amy Calder.
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Wine and cheese reception in the lobby and board rooms of the Alliance
Register before May 12 for early bird discount. For inquiries, please contact Joyce Wan ( or phone (604 681 3535). For more information on the conference, please visit the REVOLUTION webpage.