Tyee Master Class: Creativity in the Digital Age — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Tyee Master Class: Creativity in the Digital Age

In the age of musical remixes and creative mash-ups, how do we know what's fair to use or what others can use of ours? The Internet has made presenting and accessing creative works - writing, art, music, photography - easier than ever and this has major implications on how we choose to showcase our creative output. 

Copyright lawyer Martha Rans, legal director of Artists' Legal Outreach, provides the ins and outs of this thorny subject in her Master Class presented by The Tyee, Creativity in the Digital Age: Copyright, Fair Dealing & Social Media.

From understanding copyright and its application for creators to explaining fair dealing and fair use, she'll unravel this shifting and evolving legal issue that needs to be a major part of your business as an artist. Using case studies and actual legal proceedings, she'll also delve into the wide open world of social media and suggest best practices when it comes to attribution and protecting your own work.

The class is for all creators - writers, journalists, bloggers, visual artists, performing artists, photographers, and musicians. Those with an interest in this field of law may also find this beneficial. 

Date & Time: Saturday April 5, 2013 / 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Venue: The Tyee's Vancouver Newsroom
Cost: $200 + GST (includes coffee and lunch, with reception to follow) 

Visit The Tyee's Spring Master Class Series page for more information and to register.  


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