Submissions Open For BC Creative Achievement Award — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Submissions Open For BC Creative Achievement Award

Submissions are now open for the annual Carter Wosk BC Creative Achievement Awards for Applied Art and Design, celebrating British Columbians who, through their creativity, contribute to the cultural and economic fabric of the Province. 

The submission deadline for the $5,000 prize is June 13, 2012.

The awards recognize individuals whose work has a practical function. Artists and designers who work in jewelry, glass, wood, fibre, clay and metal or in such areas, but not limited to, textiles, furniture, weaving, ceramics, fashion and industrial design are eligible. 

Both established and emerging artist and designers are invited to apply. Up to three awards will be presented annually. 

Award Recognition: Up to three recipients will be awarded $5,000 each at a presentation and exhibition event to be held in the Fall of 2012. The recipients will be granted the use of the British Columbia Creative Achievement Award seal to signify their creative excellence. 

Eligibility: A citizen or permanent resident of Canada, who has been a resident of British Columbia for the past three years is eligible to apply. Posthumous submissions will not be accepted. 

In the context of this award, Applied means art and design that has a practical or functional application or that emulates such a function as part of its principal aesthetic. For example, a wood designer who creates furniture, a glass artist who creates vases, or an industrial designer who creates a usable object or device are eligible, even if the objects they create are not truly functional. In contrast, an individual who practices a discipline that traditionally falls under the heading Fine Art, such as painting or sculpture, is not eligible. 

Definition of Emerging and Established artist/designer: Emerging reflects those at an early stage in their career who have completed their basic training, formal or informal, and have created a modest independent body of work. Established reflects those who have created a significant independent body of work over a number of years and who have reached a level of achievement and recognition. 

How to Apply: An individual may submit his or her work or another individual may nominate a person for this award. Download a brochure and submission form here

Selection of Recipients: An Advisory Panel, comprised of experienced individuals in the field of applied art and design, will assess the submissions and select the recipients based on the material provided and the following criteria: 

  • creativity
  • originality
  • innovative approach
  • aesthetics

The decision of the Advisory Panel is final. The British Columbia Achievement Foundation reserves the right to withhold awards if the entries received do not meet the excellence criteria of the program. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can a team enter? 
A. The British Columbia Achievement Foundation will accept submissions from a team with a maximum of three applied artists and designers. 

Q. What is the definition of recent work? 
A. Examples of work completed in the last two to three years, that is 2009 to the present are preferred. The jury panel is seeking work that is current, not historical. 

Q. If I applied for the 2011 awards and was not selected, how do I update the submission package for consideration for the 2012 awards? 
A. Your submission will be automatically considered for the 2012 awards. The BC Achievement Foundation office will contact you by email to enquire if you wish any part of the your package updated including inviting new images. 

For further information, please contact: 
British Columbia Achievement Foundation 
t. 604-261-9777 



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