It's time — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

It's time

This is a guest post on the behalf of all the artists and administrators working tirelessly to restore the cuts to the BC Arts Council, and a call to action for British Columbians everywhere. It’s time to step up.

Our BC Arts Council’s budget has been dealt a devastating blow.  This funding entity supports you - the actors, musicians, artists, singers, writers and cultural workers.  The BC Arts Council also supports you through our community arts councils, festivals, galleries, theatres, museums, opera companies and publishing houses across the province.  The budget has been cut by 40%.

It’s time for you to help.

Many individuals have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to have the funding reinstated but it’s not enough.   We need every artist and every cultural worker in BC to step into the light and ask for the funding to be reinstated now.

It takes no time at all.

  1. Post a photo of your family on the Alliance wall by emailing your photo to
  2. Tell your story on the Alliance blog
  3. Create and mail a photo postcard of your family in three different sizes: 3X5, 4X6, 5X7.

Because artists have families too.

For more information go to:


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