Invite to Chinatown cultural development study workshop on Feb. 19 at 2pm — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Invite to Chinatown cultural development study workshop on Feb. 19 at 2pm

Dear Chinatown and Downtown Eastside artists/groups/creative businesses,
On behalf of the Chinatown Society Heritage Buildings Association (CSHBA), I wish to invite you to a workshop and networking opportunity on Feb. 19 that is a part of a cultural development study on the arts/culture/heritage in Chinatown and its role in the future.  The purpose of the study is to identify existing cultural facilities and other venues;  identify, engage and understand the existing community organizations that provide cultural programming; broaden Chinatown organizations’, including Chinese Societies, network and services, and link to other cultural groups in the Downtown Eastside and wider community networks; enable Chinatown organizations to participate in the City of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside Arts & Culture  Strategic Framework and Investment, including the Creative Pathways project.

We would like to request your attendance or a representative at this workshop on Sat, Feb. 19 at 2-3:30pm, Shon Yee Benevolent Association at 408 Jackson Ave, Vancouver.   Its main focus on will be on two key items, specifically possible collaborations/partnerships/resource sharing and rental costs and strategy to address affordability issues.  Your comments are appreciated and will help us to identify the needs and gaps in this sector and amongst neighbors.

A draft agenda as follows:

  1. Introductions   Fred Mah 
  2. Small group discussion RE: networking and collaboration possibilities between Chinatown organizations and DTES organizations in arts/culture/heritage and other umbrella arts groups – what does this look like, areas of opportunity for resource sharing and consolidation?
  3. Costs – rental costs, availability, logistics and implementation.  Develop strategies/plans/actions.   CSHBA/Yvonne/All   
  4. Groups report out.      
  5. City of Vancouver Cultural Services Grant Opportunities for community groups & process.   Cultural Services staff   
  6. Refreshment & networking     

Refreshments will be provided along with some creative entertainment. Your feedback will contribute to the findings in a report to the City of Vancouver and shape the development of arts/culture/heritage for Chinatown.  If you know of other interested stakeholders who should attend please forward this invite and advise us.  We would appreciate your assistance.
Please RSVP by calling 604.879.5550 or emailing <> . If you have any further questions please contact me or Yvonne Chui at <> . We appreciate your consideration. If you cannot attend we would like to schedule a phone interview if you can kindly indicate a time.  We look forward to seeing you on Feb. 19.

Fred Mah


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