EVENT: Lawrence Lessig Talk at W2 tomorrow (Feb. 25)! Don't miss it! — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

EVENT: Lawrence Lessig Talk at W2 tomorrow (Feb. 25)! Don't miss it!

W2 (112 West Hastings) will present the live stream of an address by Lawrence Lessig, the foundational voice of the free culture movement,  from the Berkman Centre at Harvard on Thursday, February 25, 2010 from 3 to 4:30 pm PST.

Admission at W2 is free.

The talk will cover copyright in a digital age, and the importance of a doctrine like fair use for commentary, criticism, news reporting, remix, research, and video.
The 45 minute talk will be followed by a 30 minute interactive Q & A session. Submit your question via Twitter or Identica using the hashtag #wireside.
The event will be moderated by Elizabeth Stark of the Open Video Alliance and presented in partnership with Creative Commons Canada and the Artists’ Legal Outreach.
3:00pm-5:00pm - Wireside Chat w/ Professor Lawrence Lessig. This lecture will be live streamed to W2 Culture+Media House from the Harvard School of Law. Lessig will discuss copyright in the digital age, as well as the role, values and doctrines of “fair use.” Lessig's 45-minute lecture will be followed up with moderated discussions and Q & A period. Viewers will be encouraged to submit questions via twitter using the hashtag #wireside. 

Martha Rans | Creative Commons Canada | will introduce the lecture and share takes on participatory media culture and the changing nature of content ownership and usage in the Digital Age.

Jean Hébert | PhD Candidate, School of Communication, Simon Fraser Univerity | will moderate an in-house discussion from 4:30-5pm.

Admission is by donation.

For more information visit W2: Community Media Arts Vancouver, BC.


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