Call for Proposals: Downtown Eastside Community Arts Fund Program 2014/15 — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Call for Proposals: Downtown Eastside Community Arts Fund Program 2014/15

The Community Arts Council of Vancouver (CACV) is accepting applications for collaborative community arts projects from Downtown Eastside organizations. 

Applications for up to $5000.00 in partnership funding are due by April 15, 2014.

The aim of this program is to facilitate community-led renewal through community arts. The Community Arts Fund Downtown Eastside Community Arts Program supports projects that are focused on at least one of the following: 

1. Promote health and well-being through involvement in the arts, including opportunities that provide a vehicle for employment and income generation for local artists;

2. Promote social transformation through the arts by speaking to social issues and social change in ways that inform and create understanding within and across groups; 

3. Build bridges by involving the diverse communities of the Downtown Eastside and people from diverse socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds in creating shared interests and a shared voice. 

Proposals are invited from:

  • Downtown Eastside groups and organizations (boundaries: Waterfront to Terminal, Clark to Cambie)
  • Organization(s) working collaboratively with an artist. Applicants are encouraged to also work collaboratively with other organizations. 
  • While the project must be a community-engaged arts project, the organizations do not need to be primarily arts organizations.
  • The lead organization must be incorporated as a society in good standing with the Province of BC and have operated as an incorporated society for at least one fiscal year prior to the application date.

Applicants are encouraged to attend a grant writing workshop prior to applying. Workshops are scheduled for February 12, 25, and March 15 at varying times. 

Find the application package and full details online at

Contact Kelty McKerracher, Downtown Eastside Community Arts Programmer, at for more information. 


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