Call For Applications: 2013 Jules Léger Prize For New Chamber Music — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Call For Applications: 2013 Jules Léger Prize For New Chamber Music

This annual prize for Canadian composers, valued at $7,500, is designed to encourage the creation of new chamber music and to foster its performance by Canadian chamber groups.

The prize is open to professional Canadian composers. To be considered for the prize, you must be a Canadian citizen or have permanent resident status, as defined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. You do not need to be living in Canada when you apply.

Click for Application Guidelines

Application Deadline

June 1, 2013. If this date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.

Note: All completed Jules Léger Prize applications and support material must be mailed directly to the Canada Council for the Arts in Ottawa (no longer to the Canadian Music Centre in Toronto).

Cumulative List of Winners

The prize was established in 1978 by the Right Honourable Jules Léger, then Governor General of Canada.

The competition for the prize is administered by the Canada Council for the Arts. The Canada Council also funds the award, selects and manages the peer assessment committee and promotes the winner. CBC/Radio-Canada broadcasts the winning composition.


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