Upcoming Workshop on Navigating Conflict with Nancy Lee and Jen Sungshine! — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Upcoming Workshop on Navigating Conflict with Nancy Lee and Jen Sungshine!

Over 95 people have already registered for our upcoming workshop, so you know we had to make it even bigger and better for you!!

Nancy Lee (@whichnancy ) has suggested we bring on Jen Sungshine ( @jensungshine ) to co-host, and we couldn’t be happier to add her to this amazing workshop.

We’ve lifted the waiting list and now are accepting more participants! Don’t sleep on this - it’s free!

How can we find humility and generosity in challenging situations? 

Nancy Lee and Jen Sungshine will reflect on lessons they have learned though navigating difficult circumstances in community organizing as cultural workers and artists on both ends of providing and receiving support. This workshop is intended for cultural workers, non-profit directors, curators and artists to explore new ways of understanding their agency when confronted with conflict.

Date: Jan 19
Time: 1-2:30pm PST

Link to register!


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