Apply for the BIPOC Emerging Exhibition at Il Museo and Gallery — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Apply for the BIPOC Emerging Exhibition at Il Museo and Gallery

The Italian Cultural Centre Il Museo and Gallery is putting out the call for applications.

The BIPOC Emerging Exhibition is looking for artists who explore their personal identity through art making and experiment in creative ways on broadening perspectives. In celebration of dynamic, cultural relationships the exhibition will be showcasing the complex interaction between emerging and diverse artists.

With the specific aim of seeking to collaborate with underrepresented and marginalized artists whose work speaks to their diverse, complex, and various intersectional experiences. Priority is given to: BIPOC artists, LGBTQIA2S+ and all underrepresented visual artists. Artists with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications close October 31, 2022

All submissions must include:

1-5 images at 72 DPI (including name, title, date created, and size dimensions) OR
short video in MP4, MOV, AVI, etc. format
Include Image List
Artist Statement
Artist Biography
Name, address, and email for contact information
Please include in subject line: Name, Emerging BIPOC Exhibition

Forward submissions to:

If you have any questions email Shanna or contact Il Museo and Gallery at (604)-430-3337


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