Applications Are Open for the Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellowship in the Humanities — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Applications Are Open for the Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellowship in the Humanities

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Simon Fraser University (SFU) is now inviting applications for the Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellowship in the Humanities for the 2023-24 academic year.  

Supporting up to five fellows a year, with appointments ranging from four months ($20K) to twelve months ($60K), the Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellowship in the Humanities exists to promote the humanities and arts—broadly conceived—as important sites of creative practice and critical engagement with the major concerns of our times. 

Ideal applicants will be emerging or established engaged artists, academics, community builders, and knowledge keepers in the humanities and arts who will help us imagine how we can make the world we live in better through acts of world-making in the creative arts and/or publicly engaged scholarship in the humanities.  

Over the course of their fellowship, Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellows will engage in activities that may include, but are not limited to, teaching, research, and community and public outreach. Through their performance, creation, research, and other interactions with faculty and students in these activities, they will enhance not only their own intellectual and creative horizons but that of the university and wider community as well. 

The appointment of all resident Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellows in the Humanities will be guided by considerations of equity, inclusion and diversity. BIPOC are encouraged to apply.   

Applications close October 3, 2022.  

Interested in applying but have some questions about the program? Join the online Q&A session on September 8 (Thursday), 3:00 – 4:30pm PT featuring Clint Burham and current Shadbolt Fellow Erin Soros. Register at:  

For more information on the Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellowship in the Humanities, please visit:  

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