Call for Applications: Two-Day Intensive Workshop for Professional Theatre Artists — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Call for Applications: Two-Day Intensive Workshop for Professional Theatre Artists

The following is excerpted from Presentation House Theatre (PHT).

Presentation House Theatre (PHT) is offering a two-day intensive workshop for theatre professionals to learn skills, techniques, and strategies for doing interactive, guided play experiences with the very young. This workshop is free of charge for artists interested in this genre of creative work. Sessions will be facilitated by Linda Carson and Manami Hara, skilled theatre artists, creators, leaders of PHT’s popular Firefly Programs, and performers in PHT's signature TYA productions.

Workshops will focus on “hands-on” strategies and techniques to engage and guide the imaginations of children aged 3 to 7 while encouraging and managing their participation in group programs and productions.
These skills are core to the work created by PHT and presented locally, nationally, and internationally. During the workshop and together with the facilitators, participants will have the opportunity to practice these skills with a group of young children.

This free workshop is for any professional theatre artist interested in working with young children in an interactive, performance capacity. PHT is committed to expanding its Firefly programs and developing new creations using these skills. We hope to create future opportunities for professional theatre artists who have a passion for this kind of theatre. This workshop offers you a chance to discover if you have an interest and aptitude for interactive, guided play experiences with very young audiences.

The workshop will occur on June 22 and June 23, 2022, from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm at Presentation House Theatre. Applications are due June 17, 2022. Please email your resume along with a brief note saying why you would like to participate to Manami at


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