Theatre Rental Grant Program at Vancouver Civic Theatres is Open For Applications
/The Orpheum. | Image: Vancouver Civic Theatres.
Does your arts and culture organization need a well-equipped venue to produce a cultural event?
Applications are now being accepted until March 23, 2022 for the Theatre Rental Grant (TRG) program which offers financial assistance to rent the centrally-located Vancouver Civic Theatres.
This program is for Vancouver-based, professional non-profit arts and cultural organizations that have a mission to develop, create, produce, present and disseminate artistic work for the benefit of the arts sector, in any artistic discipline (i.e. Indigenous arts, community arts, dance, interdisciplinary, literary, media, multidisciplinary, music, theatre, visual arts).
These grants support performing arts groups by providing access to well-equipped professional venues and to continue to support artists and bring content to the public in new ways (various access to VCT facilities, activating non-theatre space including lobbies and šxʷƛ̓ exən Xwtl’a7shn, and digital performance experiences). Examples of these costs include Council approved rental rates, Front of House labour, in-house technical equipment, and some Technical labour (Head Carpenter, Head Electrician, and Head Sound).
Eligible organizations may apply for this grant to rent:
• The Orpheum
• The Annex
• Vancouver Playhouse
• Queen Elizabeth Theatre
The deadline for applications is March 23, 2022. Learn more about eligibility, guidelines, grant use, and the application process online here.