Share Your Thoughts on the 2022 City of Vancouver Budget
/Image: Mike Penna.
Anyone who lives in, or owns or operates a business in Vancouver is invited to share their thoughts on municipal spending priorities for 2022, as part of the City’s annual budget engagement process.
Engagement kicks off with an online survey, where the public can learn more about City Council’s five key priorities for 2022 spending, and provide feedback on how their tax dollars can best be used to meet these priorities. Respondents have until August 22 to complete the survey.
Survey and information available in four languages
The Budget 2022 hub on Shape Your City is a one-stop shop for the latest news, updates and engagement opportunities relating to next year’s budget. Information, including the online survey, is available in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Punjabi.
Draft budget presented to Council in the fall
Feedback received will play a key role in guiding City Council and City staff as they develop next year’s draft budget, which will be presented to Council in the fall. The final budget is scheduled to be debated and voted on in early December. Once the draft budget is released in the fall, residents and businesses can still get involved by:
Reviewing the draft budget and service plans
Registering to speak when City Council review the draft budget on December 1
Contacting Mayor and Council directly to provide feedback on the draft budget
Sharing these opportunities with their networks
In early July, Vancouver City Council approved the Budget Outlook, which includes a high-level forecast of revenue and expenditure challenges for 2022 and subsequent years, taking into consideration the economic environment and the impacts from the pandemic. Council also directed staff to report back on the amount of City funds that have been used to support public services that previously were traditionally delivered by senior levels of government.
On April 28, 2021, City Council voted to set a target limit on the property tax rate increase in the 2022 Budget to no more than five per cent. Council also directed staff to find efficiencies and cost savings across the organization and to present multiple scenarios of property tax increases for Council’s consideration as part of the budget development process.
For more information, visit