RE:IMAGINE, RE:CONNECT and RE:GENERATE with BC Culture Days — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture


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On September 24 - October 24, BC Culture Days sets to RE:IMAGINE, RE:CONNECT and RE:GENERATE communities, reminding us all that a post-pandemic world can be brightened through creative exploration, and artistic expression!

After the challenges of this year, BC Culture Days seeks to guide us all out of isolation through creative connection. To further amplify arts and culture in this celebration, BC Culture Days has selected nine emerging artists to participate in this year’s cultural ambassador program as well, offering a plethora of events under the themes of sustainability, Indigenous storytelling, and more. You can learn more here!

To further celebrate BC arts, they'll also be launching a new video series that demonstrates the creative resilience of five rural communities in the provicne as they adapt to COVID-19 restrictions and re-emerge with inspiring artistic ideas for the future, including Prince Rupert, Bella Coola, Sooke, Salmon Arm, and Kimberley.


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