City of Vancouver Seeks Input On Cultural Spaces in Broadway Plan Area — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

City of Vancouver Seeks Input On Cultural Spaces in Broadway Plan Area


The City of Vancouver is working with Resilience Planning and The Firelight Group on a Social and Cultural Integrated Impact Assessment as a part of the Broadway Plan process. The Broadway Plan study area is from Clark Drive to Vine Street, and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue.

The City interested in learning more about the places that are important to you in the Broadway Plan Area, especially as it relates to arts and culture. Broadway is home to a large number of artists, cultural workers, public art, and significant non-profit and commercial cultural institutions. With accelerated development, rapidly rising industrial and commercial land values, Vancouver is facing imminent loss of affordable spaces for artists to live and work.

Your input will help the City further identify the spaces and places that are important to the arts and culture sector, and provide recommendations to inform the Broadway Plan.

The purpose of the study is to:

  • Identify social and culture places and spaces that are important to you. These can be places where you work, gather, worship, socialize, access services and programming, attend events and performances, experience and create arts and culture;

  • Better understand the importance of these places to quality of life;

  • Understand how changes may impact the places and spaces that are important to you and the arts and culture sector;

  • Examine related issues and challenges, including: preservation of social serving spaces, arts and culture spaces, housing, businesses, and other community-serving uses;

  • Provide recommendations to inform the Broadway Plan.

Take the survey here.

The survey will be open until May 31 and should take between 15 and 30 minutes to complete. The information you provide in the survey will be directly reflected in recommendations developed. A What We Heard Report summarizing your feedback will be produced in June 2021 and will be made available on the Broadway Plan website.

Feel free to forward the survey to others in the arts and culture sector you feel may want to participate.

If you have questions, please contact: and put “SCIIA” in the subject line.


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