Talent MATCH is Here to Help You Hire Students — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Talent MATCH is Here to Help You Hire Students

A screenshot from the Talent MATCH Introductory Webinar with Project Manager Debby Reis explaining the funding that’s still available for the Summer 2021 Semester.

A screenshot from the Talent MATCH Introductory Webinar with Project Manager Debby Reis explaining the funding that’s still available for the Summer 2021 Semester.

Why would you want to hire a student? What kind of jobs are they capable of? What the heck is work integrated learning and how do you even hire a student? And how can you access up to $7,000 in wage subsidies for hiring a student?

All these questions and more were answered during Talent MATCH’s Introductory Webinar on March 23. But if you missed it live, you can watch the recording now! (Includes ASL Interpretation.)

Yes, there are still funding options to hire a student for the Summer 2021 Semester, and students to fill your positions. Also, if you need guidance prepping a job posting or figuring out interview questions, Talent MATCH has a resource for that.

Talent MATCH also offers one-on-one consulting. Send an email to Project Manager Debby Reis at TalentMatch@acewilbc.ca to get started. She can help you figure out funding, which school has programs that are relevant to the position you’re hiring for, and more! Visit the Talent MATCH page to learn more.


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