Central Okanagan Music Strategy Launches Community Survey
/Image: Spencer Lupul.
The following is excerpted from a release issued by the Central Okanagan Music Strategy.
While recent circumstances have challenged all of us to find new ways to work and play, there are exciting plans underway to transform the music scene in the Central Okanagan. And the public is being invited to take part in this community survey. Your voice is needed!
Initiated in the fall of 2019, the Central Okanagan Music Strategy (C.O.M.S) is a community-led project spearheaded by a team of people passionate about music in the Central Okanagan. To help guide the project, a local advisory group was also formed and international consultant Nordicity was brought on board. The team came together partly in response to the release of the City of Kelowna’s 2020-2025 Cultural Plan but also from the desire to see the Central Okanagan music industry grow and thrive. Their work will culminate in a final music strategy for the region to be delivered in late 2021.
The Central Okanagan Music Strategy's goal is to ensure the sustainability of the music industry in the Central Okanagan. This area includes the communities of Kelowna, West Kelowna, Lake Country and Peachland. The project is funded by FACTOR, Creative BC, and the City of Kelowna. The project is administered by Creative Okanagan.
In its first outreach to members of the public, a survey has been launched to help understand what the music scene means to residents. Public input will help shape the direction and priorities for the future, and build a vibrant music community. Don't miss your chance to contribute!
For this survey, C.O.M.S is eager to hear from anyone who has an interest in music, from industry professionals to students, from performers to audience members, festival-goers, or even just once-in-a-while toe tappers.
"We know the Central Okanagan music industry is currently facing a challenge like never before and now, more than ever, we need to come together as an industry and community,” says C.O.M.S Leadership Team representative Kris Hargrave. “This is a chance for the public to have a voice in the direction the industry moves."
Filling out the survey has other perks too, as there are up to $200 in prepaid credit cards to be won. The survey will remain open until August 31.
For more information about the project and to complete the survey, please visit: https://www.creativeokanagan.com/music-strategy/