Event Safety Alliance Releases Recommended Guidelines for Venue Reopening — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Event Safety Alliance Releases Recommended Guidelines for Venue Reopening

The Event Safety Alliance has released a list of guidelines for safely reopening venues, based on information from more than 300 contributors across the U.S. and Canada. These recommendations emerge as BC’s venues begin to tackle the difficult task of developing their own guidelines for safely reopening.

Among the recommended guidelines, as excerpted from Billboard:

  • Hand-washing every hour, as well as after sneezing, mopping, smoking, eating, drinking and other select activities.

  • Required masks.

  • Sanitizing door handles, sink faucets, soap dispensers, elevator buttons, phones, water fountains, vending machines, trash bins and computers, among many other things.

  • Stagger lines into venues so patrons don't have to cluster in lines.

  • Temperature screening for every customer.

  • Clear protective shields for will-call and box-office windows.

  • Employers must provide paid sick leave. When employees can't stay six feet away from others, they should form work teams "in which people routinely work together, but they keep their distance from everyone else."

  • Educate fans "in a word, everywhere," including mobile apps, ticket-selling sites and social media.

You can read the full guide here.


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