GVPTA Webinar Tackles New COV CICA Grants

GVPTA invites all non-profit arts and culture organizations who are interested or intending to apply for the recently announced COVID-19 Cultural Impact Critical Assistance Grants to join online with members of the City of Vancouver's Cultural Services team to learn more about the grant program and process. The webinar takes place Thursday, October 8, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Register here.

The CICA program aims to provide one-time funding for cultural nonprofit organizations that have been most impacted by COVID-19 and those who provide critical programs, services and space to some of the most impacted artists and groups in the city. The program was informed by community input gathered through the City’s new culture plan Culture|Shift, the impact to the local arts and culture sector, and other external COVID-19 response and recovery initiatives, and gives priority to groups who contribute to equity-seeking communities, diverse live music and performing arts sectors, and safe and affordable cultural spaces.

The first 60 minutes will include a presentation and Q&A about the grant program. Representatives from City of Vancouver Cultural Services will provide an overview of eligibility and grant guidelines, explain the two-stage process, and expand upon the type of questions being asked in the application. GVPTA executive director, Kenji Maeda, will then moderate pre-submitted questions from registrants and those submitted during the webinar. 

The last 30 minutes will be a presentation and Q&A about setting up and navigating the City of Vancouver granting portal. This is most relevant for new applicants and those who would like a refresher.

All attendees are asked to review the grant details in advance of the webinar.

ASL Interpreters and captioning will be available. 

Questions about attending this webinar can be directed to kenji@gvpta.ca.

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