Weaving Wellness: Schedule at a Glance — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Weaving Wellness: Schedule at a Glance

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If you're wondering how we'll be spending our two days at Weaving Wellness, wonder no longer! We've prepared a Schedule at a Glance, with new information on the structure of the conference, as well as many new speakers.

In addition to the names we've already announced (which you can find here!), we're excited to welcome: David Geary, mia susan amir, Gabby Bath, Kamala Todd, Vanessa Richards, Ronnie Dean Harris, Jan Derbyshire, Ajay Masala Puri, Jacky Yenga, Rachel Iwaasa and Corey Matthews. We'll also be welcomed to the land by Chief Janice George, Carleen Thomas, and Quelemia Sparrow. We'll release bios for these presenters soon, and unveil even more names to look forward to, so check the conference webpage often. This is also how you can keep on top of any changes to the schedule that may occur.

Over the course of the two-day conference, delegates will be taken through streams focusing on four aspects of wellness: Relationship to the Geographies of Body and Space, Relationship to Self-Knowing and Embodied Lineage, Relationship to the Sound of our Hearts, and Relationship to Presence and Resurgence. Each stream will consist of an opportunity to "listen" (a moderated discussion between experts and practitioners in the given field), "share" (a guided reflection, where participants are invited to discuss, share knowledge, find new answers, and ask new questions) and "do" (a participatory piece of art, theatre, music, etc.).

Weaving Wellness: Empowering Creativity, Nourishing Artistic Practice is the BC Alliance's annual conference presented in partnership with the Vancouver Park Board and the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre. Register at Eventbrite at an early bird rate until September 16.

The BC Alliance is committed to making our programming accessible to everyone. Child care is available both days of the conference from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at no additional cost. Please indicate upon registration any needs you may have around accessibility or dietary restrictions. If there are any barriers, including financial, that prevent you from registering, please reach out to us at conference@allianceforarts.com so we can direct you to Pay What You Decide and Listener registration options.


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