CAPACOA Launches New Report on Digital Future for Performing Arts — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

CAPACOA Launches New Report on Digital Future for Performing Arts


On August 21, CAPACOA presented its new report, "A Linked Digital Future for the Performing Arts: Leveraging Synergies along the Value Chain." Co-authors Beat Estermann (Professor, Bern University of Applied Sciences) and Frédéric Julien (Director of Research and Development, CAPACOA) presented key insights from research on the development of an international linked open data ecosystem for the performing arts.

The presentation outlined benefits for the stakeholders of the performing arts value chain and recommendations for next steps. The presentation and discussion may be useful to anyone interested in digital collaboration and digital discoverability of the performing arts. You can watch Estermann and Julien’s presentation of the report here. You can find out more about the study at


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