Talent2Lead Releases Report on Cultural Leadership — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Talent2Lead Releases Report on Cultural Leadership

In the spring of 2019, the Cultural Human Resources Council’s Talent2Lead (T2L) program held a series of regional gatherings in order to explore the key challenges facing cultural leaders in Canada. Specifically, the gatherings probed the practices that Canada’s cultural organizations are - and aren’t employing when cultivating, hiring and supporting today’s leaders. Now, T2L has released a report entitled Leadership in the cultural sector today synthesizing these discussions.

The attendees and speakers at these regional gatherings included a diverse group of program participants and mentors from all cohorts of T2L, and specifically focused on T2L3 leaders from official language minority, racialized and Indigenous communities.

Regional gatherings took place in Montreal, Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto, and were held in March and April of 2019.

Each gathering followed the same format:

  • Panel discussion and Q&A led by T2L mentors and past program participants

  • Breakout Discussion Groups on the challenges and opportunities that emerging leaders will face

  • Video presentation—Respectful Workplaces in the Arts

  • Webcast—How to build a Respectful Workplaces in the Arts, accompanied by a follow-up Q&A with Laura Williams of Williams HR Law – a labour and employment law firm

  • Networking

For insights from the discussions, click here.


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