Call For Cultural Leaders from Indigenous, Racialized or Minority Language Communities — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Call For Cultural Leaders from Indigenous, Racialized or Minority Language Communities


The Cultural Human Resource Council (CHRC) is calling for 20 participants for its Talent to Lead (T2L) program, which prepares Canadian cultural managers for positions of greater responsibility and leadership. 

T2L’s third year will focus on selecting 20 leaders from Indigenous, racialized communities and official language minority communities to participate. The T2L program consists of a series of learning webinars that focus on leadership and HR management fundamentals and competencies. 

According to the call notice, “each month, participants will sign into a learning webinar that focuses on leadership and human resources management fundamentals and competencies. Each session will cover a variety of topics, have take-aways, stream video interviews with executive cultural leaders, and offer an opportunity for break-out discussions and a Q&A with our expert facilitators.

“Alongside the webinar learning series, you will have the opportunity to work one-on-one in a mentorship relationship with an executive level leader and gain insight into how to put your learning into practice to advance your career.

“CHRC will host regional gatherings in cities across Canada to bring together participants and interested mentors to discuss key issues that impact leading in the cultural sector today in Canada.” 

To date, 42 mid-career leaders from across the country have participated in T2L and 25 percent have since moved to executive level positions within cultural organizations.

For more information and to apply before the deadline Sept. 30, log onto



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