City of Vancouver to Launch Activation of Underutilized Spaces Grant November 1 — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

City of Vancouver to Launch Activation of Underutilized Spaces Grant November 1

The Activation of Underutilized Vancouver Civic Theatres Spaces Grant seeks to address the need for space by arts and culture groups, increase the use of Vancouver’s civic theatre spaces, and enhance Vancouver's status as a liveable city. 

This grant is administrated by Vancouver Civic Theatres and focuses on small, non-profit organizations looking for space to produce projects in Vancouver.

This grant supports events at:

For 2019, the City is granting a total of $200,000. 


For more information, including grant guides and registration, click here. 2019 applications will be accepted as of November 1, 2018.

Please note: Applications received before November 1, 2018 will not be accepted.


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