Register Now Before REVOLUTION Sells Out!
/The Alliance's annual conference, REVOLUTION: Engaging Human Creativity, is near capacity.
REVOLUTION: Engaging Human Creativity calls for everyone to fight for the right to be an artist and to celebrate the contribution we make to our community through the arts.
Many of you have already joined us in this REVOLUTION: registration for the Alliance's annual conference (taking place June 8 in Vancouver, at Pyatt Hall and the Annex) has reached 75 percent capacity. Register soon to experience such program highlights as:
• Ben Cameron’s keynote note address: The international arts administration star, who has supervised multi-millions in arts grants, spent nine years on the Tony Award nominations committee, and delivered an exhilarating TED Talk about the power of arts, lets us in on what he describes as nothing less than a reformation happening in the art world—and it's all about your audience.
• Franco Boni’s Citizen Engagement workshop: Inspired by the way the Toronto theatre he directs has become a dynamic hub for the community, Boni shares insights on ways theatre can cause a scene beyond the stage.
• Cultural Diversity in Artistic Practice: Nina Buddhdev moderates a panel on a hot issue.
Featuring 15 additional great minds sharing insights on connections between creativity, innovation and social progress, REVOLUTION: Engaging Human Creativity, is the annual conference presented by BC Alliance for Arts + Culture. Come be inspired: June 8, at Annex and Pyatt Hall, with post conference reception at the Alliance. Tickets: $39 to $179 (includes lunch); register now at
9 am: Welcome and Introductions
9:30 am: Keynote Address: Ben Cameron
10:30 am: Coffee, tea and snacks
10:50 am: Choose between three breakout sessions
• Exploring Reconciliation Through Arts & Culture: Teara Fraser
• Leading the Way on Arts Advocacy: Brenda Leadlay
• Citizen Engagement: Reimagining the Relationship Between Arts and Community: Franco Boni
12 pm: Lunch and Alliance and Bridge Society AGMs
1:20 pm: Featured Panel: Cultural Diversity in Artistic Practice: Thomas Hunter, Michelle La Flamme, Sunny Matharu, Sudnya Mulye, Fay Nass, moderated by Nina Buddhdev
2:20 pm: Coffee, tea and snacks
2:40 pm: Chose between three breakout sessions
• Virtual Reality and the Dark Side of Empathy: Dr. Ray Hsu
• From Art to Action: Building Anti-Racist Solidarity: with ShapeShift Arts (mia susan amir, lee williams boudakian, and Anoushka Ratnarajah)
• New Ways of Working Together: The Next Generation: Kristin Cheung, Sophia Wolfe, Natalie Tin Yin Gan, moderated by Dani Fecko
3:30 pm: Commitment to Action with Amy Calder
5 pm: Wine and cheese reception
Conference presenters include: Top, l-r: Franco Boni, Teara Fraser, Brenda Leadlay, Dr. Ray Hsu. Middle, l-r: Anoushka Ratnarajah, mia susan amir, Nina Buddhdev, Dani Fecko. Bottom, l-r: Sunny Matharu, Dr. Michelle La Flamme, lee williams boudakian, Kristin Cheung.