Government of BC Makes Additional $5 Million Investment in Community Gaming Grants Program — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Government of BC Makes Additional $5 Million Investment in Community Gaming Grants Program

The Government of BC has released information regarding a new $5 million investment in the Community Gaming Grants program for capital projects. The funding is available to "not-for-profit organizations providing programs or services of direct benefit to the broader community", and will support capital projects with a total cost of over $20,000.

Three categories of capital projects are eligible for funding:

  • Facilities: construction, renovation or maintenance of facilities.
  • Community infrastructure: public amenities such as docks, parks or playgrounds.
  • Acquisitions: the purchase of fixed capital assets for long-term use, including vehicles.

Detailed eligibility criteria is to be released this summer. Applications for the grants, which will award up to $250,000 per project, will be open from August 1 to September 30, 2017. The successful candidates will be announced and awarded their funding by the end of 2017. 

The adjudication process for the capital projects grants is expected to be competitive, with the following factors also taken into consideration: regional distribution, representation of the six community gaming grant sectors, project size and Aboriginal inclusion.

The new investment brings the Government of BC's total contribution to the Community Gaming Grants program to $140 million in 2017-18. More than 5,000 not-for-profit organizations, representing communities throughout British Columbia, benefit from community gaming grants every year. 

For more information, see the Information Bulletin from the Government of BC. 


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