Hill Strategies Issues New Arts Research Monitor — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Hill Strategies Issues New Arts Research Monitor

The latest issue of Hill StrategiesArts Research Monitor has been released, including four arts research reports. These reports are summarized below; click the links for more information.




Creative Economy Employment in the US, Canada and the UK
Nesta, March 2016
Based on Canadian, American, and United Kingdom employment surveys, this report compares the creative economy in the three countries. Based on the definitions used in the report, Canada’s creative economy is comprised of 2.2 million workers, including 534,000 creative workers in creative industries, 815,000 creative workers in non-creative industries, and 893,000 non-creative workers within the creative industries. Comparisons between the three countries show that Canada has the highest share of total employment on three related measures.

Cultural Times – the First Global Map of Cultural and Creative Industries
International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, December 2015
This study examines worldwide revenues and employment in 11 cultural and creative industries: advertising; architecture; books; gaming; movies; music; newspapers and magazines; performing arts; radio; television; and visual arts and design. Worldwide revenues in the cultural and creative industries totalled $2.25 trillion in 2013, or 3% of global GDP, exceeding revenues in the telecommunications services industry ($1.6 trillion).

The Creative Economy: Key Concepts and Literature Review Highlights
Department of Canadian Heritage, May 2013
This report provides a brief overview of key concepts regarding the term “the creative economy” as well as an extensive bibliography of reports related to the creative economy (as of 2013).

Creative Industries 2015
Americans for the Arts, 2015
This brief report summarizes data on not-for-profit organizations and businesses “involved in the production or distribution of the arts”. Included in the definition are not-for-profit organizations and businesses. Overall, the report finds that there are just over 700,000 arts-related organizations and businesses in the U.S., employing 2.9 million people.


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