Announcing the Winners of the 2017 Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Announcing the Winners of the 2017 Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts

Landon MacKenzie, Neurocity, 2008, oil on linen, 220 x 290 cm. Collection of McCarthy Tetrault Law.

Landon MacKenzie, Neurocity, 2008, oil on linen, 220 x 290 cm. Collection of McCarthy Tetrault Law.

The winners of the 2017 Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts were announced Feb. 15. The list comprises eight artists who represent a range of disciplines including filmmaking, animation, visuals arts, writing, curation and jewellery. Their work will be on exhibit in the Winnipeg Art Gallery until April 8.

The winners are:


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