Kwantlen Polytechnic University Receives $22 Million in Infrastructure Funding — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Kwantlen Polytechnic University Receives $22 Million in Infrastructure Funding

The federal and provincial governments have joined to invest $22 million in Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU). The funds will be used to renovate the Spruce Building at KPU's Surrey campus.

The facility will provide space for an additional 300 students in a variety of programs, reduce energy consumption, maximize existing space and provide additional education spaces, such as fine arts studios, digital arts labs and 3D shops.

Federal-provincial funding for this project includes:

  • $7.3 million from the Government of Canada.
  • $14.7 million from the Province of British Columbia.

The funding from the Government of Canada is being allocated through the Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund, which will enhance and modernize research facilities on Canadian campuses and improve the environmental sustainability of these facilities.

Renovations are expected to get underway in April 2017 with completion by spring 2018.


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