BC Alliance's New Salary Disclosure Policy Highlighted by CBC — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

BC Alliance's New Salary Disclosure Policy Highlighted by CBC

A new CBC News article, Should companies have to post salary ranges on job listings?, features the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture's recent decision to make salary disclosures mandatory on our Jobs Board.

The article documents BC Alliance executive director Brenda Leadlay's decision to implement the policy following feedback from Ian Wardle, a user of our Jobs Board:

The Alliance's executive director, Brenda Leadlay, says her organization has received hundreds of letters of support since it put the policy in place. 

"It was the catalyst that forced me to say yeah, he's right, we should just do this," she said.

Leadlay suspects that organizations and companies in the non-profit sector don't post a salary range either because they're ashamed of how little they can pay, or because they want to see how little they can get away with paying an employee. 

She also believes that posting a salary range supports pay equity for women and people of colour, because men are more likely to negotiate their salaries at a higher rate.

A posted pay ceiling suggests the salary is more fixed.

At press time, the article has generated over 100 reader comments. The new policy will be implemented effective December 1.


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