Summer Workshop: The New Societies Act — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Summer Workshop: The New Societies Act

Ready for the transition to the new Societies Act? Get the information you'll need at our upcoming summer workshop, another session of The New Societies Act: What You Need To Know: Making The Transition, with Martha Rans of Pacific Legal Education Outreach Society. Note that ASL interpretation will be provided for this session.

The Workshop

There are more than 27,000 non-profit societies in BC, providing services and programs that touch virtually every citizen. The BC Society Act, which provides the rules for governance and incorporation of non-profits, is set for important changes. The official proclamation of the new Societies Act will likely take place in fall 2016, and there will be a two year transition period by which time all societies in BC will have to make the switch to the new Act. 

All organizations that are incorporated under the current Society Act must plan to complete their “transition application,” with revised constitution and bylaws, by the time of their 2017 AGM. This workshop will provide the information on the bylaw and policy changes necessary for your organization to effectively make the transition when the new Act is proclaimed. 

Special Note

ASL interpretation is provided for this session. As a special feature, the final portion of this session will be presented by the Province's Deputy Registrar, Debbie Turner, and participants will have the opportunity to pose questions directly to Ms. Turner. 

The Facilitator

Martha Rans is the Legal Director of Pacific Legal Education Outreach Society (PLEO), which operates Artists’ Legal Outreach and Law for Nonprofits programs. She has been practicing law in British Columbia since 1997, and works extensively with arts organizations, non-profit societies and visual and multimedia digital artists. 

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 / 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 


Alliance boardroom at 100-938 Howe Street, Vancouver


Pre-registration and payment is required. 

Alliance Members $39 / Non-Members $79 (plus 5% GST).

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Online by VISA, MasterCard, or AMEX
  • Cheque (payable to Alliance for Arts + Culture) 
  • Cash (in-person only at our Vancouver office, 100-938 Howe Street)

Register online below and pay by credit card at the checkout. If paying by cash or cheque, call our office at 604.681.3535. 

For information about other Alliance Workshops, click here


Cancellation notice of 48 hours is required to obtain a full refund. We reserve the right to cancel workshops if minimum registration numbers are not met.


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