Registration Now Open For re:generation / BC Cultural Roundtable 2016 — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Registration Now Open For re:generation / BC Cultural Roundtable 2016


Registration is now open for re:generation / BC Cultural Roundtable 2016, taking place Thursday, June 9 at The Anvil Centre in New Westminster.

Reflecting the Alliance's expanded provincial mandate, the interconnectedness of the arts, cultural, and heritage communities, and the development of our provincial Cultural Roundtable Network, BC Cultural Roundtable is the new identity for what was formerly known as our annual Arts Summit. 

re:generation / BC Cultural Roundtable 2016 will be all about the next generation of leadership in all cultural disciplines and sectors. We will hear about their emerging vision for the future, and learn what it is they need from their elders to support their vision and address their concerns. Join us for some dynamic conversations between some of our cultural organization pioneers and founders and those who are creating our future.

Addressing these themes will be our guest keynote speaker Emiko Ono, a program officer with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s Performing Arts Program. Ms. Ono is the author of a recently released study, “Moving Arts Leadership Forward: A Changing Landscape”, which tackles head-on many of the issues we will discussing at re:generation. You can find her report here.

Among the key findings the report examines are: 

  • Higher educational attainment among emerging arts leaders, coupled with higher debt levels, are creating greater demand earlier in individuals’ careers for sustainable compensation;
  • Degree programs and certifications in arts administration and nonprofit management now produce more formally trained early-career arts leaders;
  • Economic pressures have contributed to long-term leaders’ decisions to defer retirement;
  • With late-career leaders staying in their positions longer and greater numbers of early-career leaders entering the workforce, there are more cross-generational workplaces and distinct work styles;
  • Rapid demographic change has created unprecedented diversity, but this diversity is not yet represented in the executive and board leadership of the nonprofit arts sector.

You'll want to be part of this important discussion about the future of cultural community leadership. Registration is now open, so take advantage of the Early Bird rate and sign up now.

For out-of-town attendees there are special Alliance for Arts + Culture rates at the Inn at the Quay in New Westminster and Best Western Chateau Granville in downtown Vancouver. 

Some travel bursary funds may be available. See our Travel, Accommodation + Venue page for more information. 


Early bird registration is on through April 29. 

Alliance members receive discounted rates on registration, and a special rate is available for youth under 25 and students. Click here for more information on registration.

More Information

Visit our Conferences page for more information on re:generation / BC Cultural Roundtable 2016. And join the conversation!


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