2015 Election Update: Party Positions on Arts & Culture — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

2015 Election Update: Party Positions on Arts & Culture

Updated: Sept 28

With the federal election less than a month away, members of the arts and culture community are keenly listening for mention of our sector in party platforms. 

The Canadian Arts Coalition has taken the lead in gathering information in regards to each party’s stance on arts and culture. Use this link to visit their website and find out more. The Alliance also surveyed the parties by email. 

Drawing from these sources and other media reports we have created the following summary to help you make an informed decision when you go to the polls: 

The Conservative Party has not yet replied to the Coalition’s and Alliance’s survey questions, but indicated that a response to our survey would be coming shortly. They have, however, promised to establish an endowment incentive fund with matching federal dollars to help support local museums. You can read about it here.  

The Green Party has committed to increase funding to the Canada Council for the Arts to $300 million with a long term plan. They will implement every “Call to Action” for the Truth And Reconciliation Commission and establish a strategy for Indigenous and non­-Indigenous artists to undertake collaborative projects and produce works that contribute to the reconciliation process. They will reverse the $115 million cut to the CBC as well as add an additional $200 million to the annual budget. Click here to view the Green Party’s responses to the Alliance’s federal election survey. 

The Liberal Party has made a commitment to double Canada Council funding to $360 million, increase the CBC annual budget by $150 million, increase funding to Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board, and invest $6 billion over four years to the heritage sector. Click here to view the Liberal Party's responses to the Alliance’s federal election survey.  

The NDP have avoided making firm quantitative promises, however they have committed to reverse the $115 million cut to the CBC as well as implement an independent process for appointing members to the CBC’s Board of Directors. They state that they are clear supporters of Aboriginal artists and agree with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that arts and culture could play a key role in reconciliation. They said that they understand that the Canada Council is currently underfunded and would take steps to improve it. They stated that were unable to offer many concrete promises until the party releases their official platform. Click here to view the NDP’s responses to the Alliance’s federal election survey.

As the election draws closer, please review our Election Toolkit. Be informed, make sure you're registered, and most importantly, VOTE on October 19! 



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