Nominations Open for 2016 City of Nanaimo Culture & Heritage Awards — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Nominations Open for 2016 City of Nanaimo Culture & Heritage Awards

The City of Nanaimo is now seeking public nominations for the 2016 Culture & Heritage Awards. This is your opportunity to recognize people and groups you believe have made a significant contribution to making Nanaimo a culturally vibrant city.

Awards are presented in the following four categories:

  • Excellence in Culture
    Presented to an organization or individual that has achieved regional and/or national recognition in the field of arts and must be recognized as a “Nanaimo Artist,” has demonstrated excellence in their field, and is recognized as a significant inspiration to others.
  • Honour in Culture
    Presented to an individual, group or corporation that is known for their dedication and support of the development of Nanaimo’s cultural sector. 
  • Emerging Cultural Leader
    Recognizes up-and-coming, Nanaimo-based cultural leaders. 
  • John Thomson Heritage Memorial
    Honours individuals who demonstrate outstanding heritage service and dedication to the community.

Nomination Deadline: Tuesday, November 17, 2015

For award criteria and nomination form, click here


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