UBC Centre for Cultural Planning and Development Launches New Series of Online Workshops — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

UBC Centre for Cultural Planning and Development Launches New Series of Online Workshops

The UBC Centre for Cultural Planning and Development is launching the first of a new series of online workshops, Cultural Entrepreneurship, starting February 5.

Cultural Entrepreneurship by Lidia Varbanova, PhD

Designed for cultural planners, cultural entrepreneurs, and professionals in creative and arts organizations, this online workshop includes practical case studies from around the world and examines critical questions such as:

  • How can cultural planners, managers, and policy-makers promote a proper environment in which cultural entrepreneurship can flourish?
  • What strategies do cultural entrepreneurs need in order to manage a start-up creative enterprise in a sustainable mode?
  • What is the role of strategic alliances, networking, collaboration and partnership in the entrepreneurial practice in the cultural sector?

Dr. Lidia Varbanova has over 20 years of professional experience as a consultant, researcher and lecturer in more than 50 countries. She focuses on strategy, entrepreneurship, management, online technologies, and organizational development and change, with special emphasis on arts, culture and creative industries. Her most recent publication is Strategic Management in the Arts (2013).

Wednesdays, Feb. 5, Feb. 12 & Feb. 19, 1-3 p.m. PST

Members of the Alliance for Arts and Culture are invited to register before Jan. 27 with the coupon code CREATE14 to save $20 on the standard registration fee.

“Cultural Entrepreneurship” is the first of a new series of online workshops designed to fill the gap between a typical short webinar and a longer online course. Each online workshop is led by an international expert, combines lectures and small group discussion, and meets online for two hours, once a week for three weeks. There is also an online discussion board to share information and continue the conversation between live sessions.

For more information and to register, please visit http://cstudies.ubc.ca/cultural-planning-and-development/courses.html



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