Additional $500,000 in Funding for BC Creative Spaces — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Additional $500,000 in Funding for BC Creative Spaces

Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oakes made an announcement at Vancouver's 221A Artist Run Centre on October 17 that an additional $500,000 in funding will now be available under the BC Creative Spaces program. 

BC Creative Spaces was a one-time funding opportunity announced in January, 2013, providing $1.25 million in funding for 2012-2013 and supporting 37 projects that improved arts facilities across the province. The program addresses the challenges faced by arts and cultural organizations throughout the province in improving the physical conditions for engaging the public in creative activities.

2012-13 funding for the BC Creative Spaces and BC Creative Communities programs came from the 2010 Sport and Arts Legacy Fund.

Funding assistance is available to non-profit arts and cultural organizations, First Nations band councils or First Nations friendship centres with projects to:

  • Develop new spaces; and/or
  • Improve existing facilities; and/or
  • Purchase or upgrade specialized equipment.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Demonstrate secured, diversified revenue sources (financial and/or in-kind);
  • Address a demonstrated need for capital development or acquisition;
  • Involve partnerships and/or collaborations; and
  • Are accessible to Aboriginal, culturally-diverse, disabled, youth, regional and rural artists and/or audiences. 

Deadline for Applications: December 9, 2013

For further information on the program, including eligibility, award amounts, how to apply, and required documentation, see the Program Guidelines



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