Applications Are Open for Digital Ladders Prototype Labs — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Applications Are Open for Digital Ladders Prototype Labs


Applications are open until August 20 for Digital Ladders Prototype Labs — free, four-day programs where you work with digital experts to hone your unique project idea.

Each Prototype Lab is four days in length, followed by one-on-one consulting. Four projects in total will be chosen for the program. The goal is to go beyond an idea on paper and start making development choices and demonstrating how the project would work. Over the four-day session, each project will be supported by a dedicated team of digital consultants. Then, over six subsequent weeks, one-on-one consulting hours will be provided to each project to help develop a project plan or funding application.

The four day sessions will be held in September, and the one-on-one consulting will be completed by the end of November. Each application can include up to three creative team members.

Prototype Labs are free to attend for successful applicants. A stipend of $150/day per participant or team will be provided to help subsidize the time participants are taking away from their work.

To find out more and apply now, click here!


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