Creative Okanagan Seeks Members for Music Strategy Advisory Group — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Creative Okanagan Seeks Members for Music Strategy Advisory Group

The following is excerpted from a release issued by Creative Okanagan.

Creative Okanagan, in partnership with a group of community stakeholders, is leading the process of developing the region’s first Music Strategy. This strategy will advance the sustainability of the music industry in the region and supports the City of Kelowna’s recently released Cultural Plan

The group is seeking like-minded community members, with a variety of expertise in the music industry, to participate in an Advisory Group for the project. “We are looking for a diversity of people with a good mix of expertise, perspectives and backgrounds represented in the group.” says Karma Lacoff, the Executive & Creative Director for Creative Okanagan. “We are hoping those with an interest in seeing the music sector strengthen and grow will respond.”

Community engagement is a key aspect of the strategy’s development.  While the process is currently in its infancy, it is expected to span a two-year period and include the creation of a stakeholder directory and a Music Summit in late 2020. Currently the group is establishing the scope of work to be completed and securing funding for the strategy development.

“We are excited to find ways to engage musicians, venue operators, music educators, youth, music producers and other industry professionals,” says Kris Hargrave with Hubbub Live. “For me, this is about coming together as an industry to increase support to live music.”

For those interested in finding out more about the Advisory Group including the criteria, scope of work and time commitment, check out the terms of reference at


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