Interim Report On Art For Social Change In Canada — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Interim Report On Art For Social Change In Canada

Judith Marcuse Projects and the International Centre of Art for Social Change (ICASC) have shared an interim report at the halfway point in their five-year ASC! Research Project on art for social change in Canada. State of the Art is written for public, non-academic audiences and provides a snapshot of some of the findings gleaned from the first two and a half years of their research.  

Topics in the document include scans of current activities in the art for social change field, overviews of funding patterns, approaches to evaluation and research, and initial findings about partnerships. 

In 2013, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) provided a $2.5 million grant to support the national research project, the first study of its kind in Canada.

Click here to access the State of the Art report.


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