Applications Open for City of Richmond's Arts & Culture Grant Program — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

Applications Open for City of Richmond's Arts & Culture Grant Program

Applications for the City of Richmond's 2016 Arts and Culture Grant Program are now being accepted. To access the web-based application system, please open the following link:

The City of Richmond allocates grant funding for arts and cultural organizations that provide programming and activities for the benefit of Richmond artists and residents.

The deadline for all 2016 City Grant applications is November 20, 2015.

The City of Richmond has provided two new pdf documents online (prepared last year by Little Dog Creative Consulting) that may be helpful to you in preparing your grant. One is a general reference guide for grant writers; the other lists all eligible expenses for the City of Richmond Project Assistance Grant budget form. These references are provided in lieu of a grant-writing workshop this year. 


Contact: Liesl Jauk, Manager, Cultural Development, City of Richmond
Phone:  604.204.8672


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